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Dino v16.0.3 CD version

Dino v16.0.3 CD version
Photo by Gregory Smirnov / Unsplash

[Feature] Metric filter creation from additional attribute in releationships.
[Feature] Ability to enter formulas and not just true/false for readonly fields.
[Feature] It is possible from UI to create a data report filtered by status.
[Feature] The autoreport has been improved.
- Average, median, mode, sum, stddev is calculated for each numeric field (including calculated fields).
- For all charts where there are more than 10 entries, the following are merged into one “Other” entry for both barchart and piechart.
- An initial set of basic statistics are entered with the total number of completed forms and how many metrics were used.
[Improvement] The list of fields showing in the table is now limited to only those fields for which you have visibility. The visibility is given by the isUserInGroup function defined in the formschema.
[Bugfix] Automatic selection if the metric has an active parent is now working.
[AJF] New version 16.1.5 on board

🥷🏻Meanwhile, in the Gnucoop labs...new rumors are leaking about the next release...chat with your data is coming! Stay tuned!🥷🏻
