CRI - Relief Dino

Development of a data collection and analysis platform based on the DINO software, which allows the creation of forms, dashboards and reports to strengthen CRI's capacity to respond to the needs of populations affected by natural or man-made disasters, through vulnerability assessment in potential areas of intervention, monitoring of interventions and management of the distribution of goods and services.
Thus, a system was developed to facilitate and harmonize the different phases of population assistance interventions, and in particular:

  • The mapping of vulnerabilities and relevant context information in the pre-disaster phase;
  • The monitoring of the interventions carried out according to the action plan prepared in response to an emergency, facilitating the rapid assessment of the needs of the population in the event phase and thus the identification of priorities.
  • The management of the supply chain, asset distribution, and beneficiary with tools that can also support asset tracking, accountability, and donor/stakeholder relations.