v15.2.8 Released

[FEATURE] It is now possible to insert action on public form entry.
[XLSREPORT] The HTML widget is now multi tag. We can use multiple html tags within it.
[BUGFIX] Automatic metric selection behavior in case of filtering has been corrected.
[BUGFIX] The range field now displays step 0.
[BUGFIX] Advanced filtering now works even with fields where validation is present. Validation in search filters has been removed in AJF.
[BUGFIX] Fixed the behavior of the formbuilder that was exaggeratedly widening in the presence of very long formulas.
[BUGFIX] Fixed the behaviors of the chart line, scatter and bubble widgets.
[BUGFIX] Fixed incorrect behavior of translations not appearing in some sections and when loading translated forms.
[AJF] New AJF version: 15.3.9